2025/02/06 17:31
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Vizsgálja az Illinois-i Környezetvédelmi Felügyelőség a Caseyville vállalat telephelyén végbement vegyi reakciót



Firefighters and a hazardous material team was called to the Illini Environmental,
8895 California Drive in Caseyville.
A chemical reaction that emitted a cloud of smoke at Illini Environmental, 8895
California Drive in Caseyville, was under control Wednesday night, according to St.
Clair County Emergency Management Agency Director Randy Lay. The Illinois
Environmental Protection Agency planned to bring in an investigator Thursday to
determine what exactly caused the reaction, Agency spokeswoman Patti Thompson
said. The reaction occurred inside a 15-yard container within the facility, according to
St. Clair Emergency Services Deputy Chief Brian Donley and company president and
co-owner Mark Flood. It was the Environmental Protection Agency's understanding
that the reaction involved soybean-based toner ink, kitty litter with anti-freeze
absorbed in it, chlorine tablets and latex paint, all mixed with scraps of diapers, Thompson said. The materials had been
solidified in order to be properly disposed of at the Milam Landfill in Fairmont City, according to Flood. The materials involved
were not hazardous, Flood said. No one was injured, according to him and authorities. "We're going to check the materials in
the container and see what caused the reaction," Flood said. The company is near the intersection of Illinois 157 and St. Clair
Avenue. The company handles industrial by-products for recycling, waste management and transportation, according to its
website. Authorities were blocking any nonlocal traffic from entering California Drive between Illinois 157 and 79th Street. The
company evacuated its employees after the incident occurred at about 4:30 p.m. and notified authorities about the incident,
Flood said. French Village firefighters were already on their way after being notified of smoke in the area, Fairview Deputy Fire
Chief Bruce Green said. Residents near the location were advised to stay inside and to tell authorities if they began to feel ill,
Green said. No chemicals were detected when authorities tested the air near the facility, Donley said. Although authorities said
the situation was under control, several firefighters, emergency personnel, county and state officials and police officers
remained at the scene Wednesday night. "Better to be safe than sorry," Green said.





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